​Comprehensive Psycho-educational Evaluation

In addition to the assessment of primary functioning, there are times when a comprehensive psycho-educational evaluation is necessary. A psycho-educational evaluation is designed to answer these questions, and possibly others based on referral question: Does the client have a learning disability(ies)? Intellectual Disability? Psychological processing problems? What are the client’s academic and cognitive abilities, strengths, and weaknesses? What are appropriate educational recommendations? What are the necessary modifications and/or accommodations that the student requires in order to be able to appropriately access in the least restrictive academic setting? This information can then be used to further refine and develop a program to manage the difficulties at home and school. The additional testing requires 2 to 4 hours of one-to-one testing or compilation of multi-rater questionnaires and interviews. The following testing choices are as follows and include the additional test scoring, analysis of cumulative information, interpretation and report writing:

​- process-oriented diagnostic academic testing (e.g., reading, math, writing, etc.)
– memory assessment- language assessment
– auditory processing testing
– visual processing testing
– social/emotional/behavioral or executive functions, or temperament multi-rater questionnaires
​- cognitive processing testing (e.g., auditory, visual, visual-motor)

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